like a flamingo
I shake hands like a flamingo. Or so I've been told by a Korean friend.

We had a folk dancing session at Link House a couple of weeks ago. Due to a shortage of females (an unusual problem in such settings) I got to be a lady a few times.
The other week in church I looked down my shirt and discovered that it had a number of small white marks down it. I wondered what these were and by experiment discovered that I had sprayed toothpaste across my shirt with an electric toothbrush.
Last week I took a frying pan off the heat and put it down out of the way on the worktop ... on top of a Tupperware container. Picking up the frying pan to wash it up I thought, "Hmmm ... what's that blue stuff sticking to the bottom of the pan?" before realising it was melted plastic.
The other night I had a phone call at 2:15 am from someone whose voice I didn't recognise and who withheld their number. In between me trying to make friendly conversation, this person repeated the following phrases in different combinations: "Where are you? ... I'm outside ... I'm gonna murder you." After a few minutes of this I said, "I'm sorry, I think you might have the wrong number" and hung up.
Last Thursday I decided to cycle to some language schools I was planning to visit near the station. Coming out into Chesterton Road, a gust of wind blew me off course with a bus heading towards me. This made me doubt my competency to cycle somewhat. Watching the news in the evening which reported heavy storms across the country I thought, "Ah! Maybe it was a bit more windy today than usual."
Last night I was playing table tennis in the Garden Room and for one round we decided to kneel down to make it more fun.
Apart from all that, I'm fairly normal.
Since resurfacing in Cambridge, I've also gone to a pudding party and participated in a market research session which involved drinking a new soft drink and answering questions about it.
P.S. I've added photos to the previous entry.
"You can tell a lot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jellybeans." (Ronald Reagan)
Reagan said that? Nice.
It seems like you got around to some crazy things. ;) And David, why would you *want* to be normal? Normal's so boring--I gave up on that a long time ago. ;)
Glad to see you're back and reformed in Cambridge. (I may cause some cringe-age with my rather dubious use of that word)
The other day I learned a new word (unfortunately quite a rare occurence these days): strident. The occaision however is really not to my liking: my non-Christian friend's entry on 'religious views' in facebook. -_-;;
Which Korean person said that? You know, come to think of it, you do shake hands like a flamingo.
Speak to you soon brother,
Whay! Life's wonderful, innit? FULL of surprise - just like a sweets bag in my hand.
By the way, you look like Stephen Merchant.
David, sounds like you've had quite the adventure yourself!! No need to come to East London to 'rough it up'!
Hope you're doing well. Thank you so very much for the thoughtful Christmas card. I'm surviving by the grace of God!
Hope to see you soon!
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